Edgemont Rec/Day Camp — Edgemont 2024

EIC's Research:

EIC volunteers believe incorporation is the right choice for Edgemont, and these discussions are the results of our research and analysis. We encourage you to read our analyses of the issues, conduct your own research, contribute to the conversation, and make your own decision. See links below for Terms of Use.

Edgemont Day Camp is run by the Edgemont Recreation Corporation (ERC), a private, non-profit, 501(c)3 organization established in 1970. The ERC’s budget is funded entirely by fees and tuition paid by participants in its after-school, sports, and summer camp programs. Post-incorporation, we expect ERC to remain an integral Edgemont organization.

Edgemont Day Camp campers currently swim at the pool at Anthony F. Veteran (AFV) pool. Click here to learn about swimming options for ERC campers if Edgemont incorporates.

ERC basketball and soccer teams remain eligible to participate in Greenburgh Parks and Recreation leagues regardless of incorporated status. Similarly, Edgemont's incorporation will have no impact on ERC's provision of other in Edgemont School District facilities, including after-school activities.

If incorporated, Edgemont Village could choose to appropriate tax dollars to support ERC’s mission and activities or establish a Village Parks and Recreation Department (in which case, ERC would likely discontinue operations).