Sanitation — Edgemont 2024

EIC volunteers believe incorporation is the right choice for Edgemont, and these discussions are the results of our research and analysis. We encourage you to read our analyses of the issues, conduct your own research, contribute to the conversation, and make your own decision


If Edgemont incorporates, the Village and Town could negotiate an intermunicipal agreement such that Edgemont continues to pay a pro rata share of Greenburgh’s sanitation division costs and there is no change to our garbage collection services.

Alternatively, the Village could secure hauling and recycling through a private contract, an potentially lower-cost approach that is common throughout the U.S. and increasingly utilized in Westchester County. The Village of Pelham is similar in size to Edgemont and bids out garbage collection services every few years. The Village of Rye Brook is the most recently incorporated Westchester community (1983) and has always utilized private sanitation contracts.

Similarly, the Town of Greenburgh could privatize sanitation like its northern neighbor, the Town of Mt. Pleasant. In such a case, the Village of Edgemont (and other Greenburgh villages) could participate.